Become a NHWF Member Today!
Andover Fish and Game Club
Bennington Sportsman Club
Chester Rod and Gun Club
Claremont Beagle Club
Deering Fish and Game Club
Elkins Fish and Game Club
Enfield Outing Club
Farmington Fish and Game Club
Goffstown Fish and Game Club
Grafton County Fish and Game Club
HorsePond Fish and Game Club
Horseshoe Fish and Game Club
Kinnicum Fish and Game Club
Lone Pine Hunters Club
Major Waldron Sportsmen’s Association
Merrimack River Valley Chapter Trout Unlimited
Mount Cardigan Fish and Game Club
New England Upland
NH Antler and Skull Trophy Club
NH Bear Hunters Association
NH Guides Association
NH State Council Trout Unlimited
NH Trappers Association
Pemigewasset Trout Unlimited
Pemigewasset Valley Fish and Game Club
Pinnacle Mountain Fish and Game Club
Pointers Fish and Game Club
Raymond Sportsman’s Club
South Berwick Rod & Gun Club
Suncook Rod & Gun Club
Sunset Mountain Fish and Game Club
Warner Fish and Game Club
Watanic Bowmen
NHWF Dream Hunt
New Hampshire Wildlife Federation Dream Hunt is designed to take a New Hampshire residents 21 years of age and under, who are fighting or have fought a life-threatening illness on a “Dream Hunt”. NHWF candidates have successfully harvested a moose the last three years.
NHWF Berry Camp Scholarship
The New Hampshire Wildlife Federation offers half scholarships to campers who have enrolled in Camp Barry's Conservation Camp. Campers interested in the scholarship must apply by March 1, 2025.
NHWF Scholarship for College Students
Schools/Students will submit applicant names and qualifications on an official scholarship application form, along with the required attachments, to the New Hampshire Wildlife Federation by May 1.
NHWF Fishing Class
NHWF on the road visitng local schools and teaching students all about fishing. This involves two day of classroom education with a field day to apply what the students have learned. NHWF provides all the equipment for the students. If you are interested in having NHWF come out to your school, please let us know.
NHWF Duck Boxes.
NHWF duck boxes have been strategically placed in locations that have allowed for a 98% success rate. If you are interested in owning a duck box let us know, the price of the box is $100.
NHWF Action Fund
Advocating for NH Sportsmen and Sportswomen
Our strength is in our numbers. While it’s not always possible to get to Concord to testify on a bill, your membership helps us ensure that there are always people watching out for our interests and fighting against attempts to limit hunting, fishing and trapping in New Hampshire.
Stay connected with us
Get in Touch
Reach out to us with any questions or feedback regarding our mission to promote and protect hunting, fishing, and trapping. We are committed to conserving and providing access to fish and wildlife habitat. Remember to select a secure storage option for your submissions.